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& Environmental Health Protection
"Healthier people make healthier decisions."
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Strengthen your key body systems is made by a team of health specialists following simple well known fact that the human body function like a chain: 'Improving one part can have great benefits on other parts'. Lifestyle Analysis will pinpoints the strength & weaknesses of your body and will give you recommendations which of ten body systems needs immediate attention and support with one of the Key system products or start one of the programmes for health improvements.

The Lifestyle Analysis is made by a team of health specialists following simple well known fact that the human body function like a chain: 'Improving one part can have great benefits on other parts'. Lifestyle Analysis will pinpoints the strength & weaknesses of your body and will give you recommendations which body system needs immediate attention and support with system products or start one of the programmes for health improvements.

Strengthen your immune system
Your immune system is a complex network of cells and organs that help your body fight off illness and infection. It’s your body’s first line of defence against many common bugs and ailments, including colds, ‘flu and tummy trouble. If it functions as it should, it will not only help you to ward off illness, but also help you recover quickly when you do fall poorly.

Strengthen your children’s immune system
The immune system is a complex network of cells and organs that helps the body fight off illness and infection. While most adults have had the time to develop this crucial first line of defence, your children have not and may need some additional support to help them ward off many common bugs and ailments, including colds and tummy trouble. While all children are born with some immunity, this will strengthen and develop as they get older and become more exposed to common bacteria in the home and their environment.

Strengthen immunity for all (including pets)
Bovine Colostrum is a milky fluid that comes from undder of cows the first few days after giving birth, before true milk appears. This fluid contains proteins called antibodies which can be 100 times higher than levels in milk. Thus supplementation with colostrum may significantly increase level of immunity and prevent infections both in healthy subjects and high-risk CVD patients, children and during pregnancy.